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4 Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry, Debunked!

July 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Ronan Freyne @ 3:17 pm
Woman smiling with veneers shade samples in front of her face

Have you hesitated to get cosmetic dental work done because you’ve heard bad things about it? Maybe you’re interested in enhancing your smile but heard it’s too expensive or you can’t get the results you want. Here is the truth behind 4 common myths about cosmetic dentistry to help you make an informed decision about your journey to your dream smile.

Myth #1: There Are No Oral Health Benefits

In spite of its name, cosmetic dentistry services expand far beyond just improving the aesthetics of your smile and can actually restore or improve your oral health.

For instance, while veneers do restore the vibrance and look of your smile, they also protect your teeth. The materials used to make veneers are just about as strong as your natural teeth. Enamel erosion can cause tooth sensitivity and cracked or chipped teeth, but your veneers can protect you.

Additionally, metal-free dental crowns can protect teeth that have broken or undergone a root canal. Dental bonding can fix minor cracks and chips. Sealing off your teeth from bacteria buildup helps maintain your oral health and prevent issues from arising. Tooth replacement can stop bone loss and restore or improve your ability to speak or chew.

You might be getting a cosmetic fix, but your teeth are protected from further damage or restored to their normal functionality.

Myth #2: Cosmetic Dentistry Breaks the Bank

A number of cosmetic dentistry procedures are considered restorative as well, which means they can be partially or fully covered by most insurance companies. Many practices offer payment plan options for more complex and expensive procedures.

In addition, cosmetic dentistry technology has improved greatly over the years, reducing the cost of treatment by increasing efficiency. Dentists can now obtain materials and complete procedures more easily.

Myth #3: The Results Will Look Fake

Advances in technology have resulted in cosmetic dentistry materials looking like your natural teeth. Whether in shape, size, luster, or shade, your new veneers or dental crowns can match your existing teeth and enhance your smile. The results will be completely customized to your liking!

Myth #4: It’s Only Major Changes and Procedures

There are procedures that require local or general anesthesia, but there are plenty of examples of cosmetic dentistry that don’t. For example, teeth whitening is incredibly effective at removing stubborn stains, and you won’t feel any discomfort during your appointment. Dental bonding to fix a chipped or cracked tooth is a procedure that fixes minor breakage in a quick and painless way too!

About the Author

Dr. Ronan Freyne is passionate about providing individualized, quality dental care at your comfort and convenience. His practice offers veneers and Lumineers, dental bonding, metal-free dental restorations, and teeth whitening to help you achieve your smile goals. If you’re interested in learning more about how cosmetic dentistry can enhance your pearly whites, contact Dr. Freyne through his website or by phone at (301) 986-0700.

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